Friday, August 24, 2018

Filipino's Capabilities to Adjust through Misfortunes

The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. Because of it's location, near the large Pacific Ocean Region where many of of the volcanic eruptions occur (The Ring of Fire). It is also in a weather pathway near the equator known as the "typhoon belt".

Yearly, atleast 20 typhoons hit our poor country. Because the Western Pacific Ocean region where typhoons are formed is located at the East of the Philippines. Just last month, a state of calamity has been declared in several provinces in Northern Philippines, including Manila after the non-stop rain.

The continuous rain brought by two successive typhoons affected some areas and shut down some Educational Institutions and Government Offices. Some town had evacuated to temporary shelters.
Filipinos are nothing if not resilient in their time at calamities. Over the years, our Government has learned their lessons on how to respond and be prepared on any natural disaster.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) together with Department of Social Welfare and Development and some government agencies work together to help Filipinos at anytime in need.

Maybe or not probably, it is the Filipino's sense of humor that is always on it's height while experiencing a disaster. They like to make fun out of themselves while in the middle of it.

Citizens who belong to the work force do their very best to be on their respective jobs no matter how long it takes and how hard it seems to be.

Well, no amount of words can express how Filipinos look at calamities and disasters at a different perspective. They have accepted that calamities come and go. What matters most is how they make something good out of them. Resilience is a character that Filipinos are very proud of: being hopeful, happy, and positive while experiencing unfavorable and hard situations such as calamities.


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Reflection 4

For the last quarter, I have learned so many things in the subject ICT and while learning throughout theast quarter. I had many discoveries ...