Saturday, October 20, 2018

Importance of Math and Science

Everyone knows that the subjects Math and Science are hard. But Math is important to us all even after we graduate from school because is not just restricted to problem solving. The real benefit of math is how it trains the brain to think critically and practice various techniques to solve a problem. Science is also important  because it helps in building a strong foundation of concepts that support the learning ability of a child throughout his / her academic life. It helps in understanding key concepts of science and enables them to understand more abstract ideas as well.

So when you encounter the unexpected, when you arrive at a solution that doesn’t make intuitive sense, you’ve got two options: Either you figure that your intuition is bad and derive the corollary that you’re bad at math and science. Or you realize that the world is so magnificently complex that intuition is not the best tool to understand how it all works. I think a lot of people opt for the former, but there is joy in accepting the latter.

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