Tuesday, July 31, 2018

President Duterte's SONA

The President has delivered his 3rd State of the Nation address last July 23,2018 at the Batasang Pambansa Complex. It may seemed boring for us students to listen about the long speech but for me I found it a bit interesting. Because my family is really a fan of President Duterte for there is a word of honor in everything he said. Like when he said his platform during the 2016 Presidential Campaign where his top of the lists are on crimes, corruption and drugs.

For 2 years of serving for our nation, he is still very concern with all the promises he made. When he said "your concern is human rights, mine is human lives." You can feel that he was truly serious  to fight illegal drugs despite of all these who protest against him. He promised that it will not stop and  he still is as relentless as he was in the beginning. This made me more hopeful for living in  a drug-free society means there will be lesser crimes.

For fighting corruption: he said " stolen wealth does not make you respectable." He value friendship but it has limits he said.

For years, he is the only President who wanted corruption to cease. For he is willing to give up friendship if proven they are irregularities with their work as a government officials.

Compared to his previous SONA, this was the shortest which lasted only for less than an hour but still the most beautiful speech he delivered for he tackled all the important issues concerning everything like vows, in education, in health and in economic development.

President Rodrigo Duterte is surely a foul-mouthed person but he is still the best President we ever had yet.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Letter for our President

His excellency
Rodrigo Roa Duterte
President - Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,

I, Tristan Jersey R. Quiton, a grade 10 student of Ilocos Sur National High School, greet you and wish you all the blessings of our Almighty God!

Though I am still young to vote, I was so happy when you've won over your rivals. My family supported you and we were so grateful that you are now the father of our nation. We are so thankful that finally we have a President who does what he had promised during the campaign. Specially the cleansing of drugs all over the country and fighting the corruption. I can see that everything is going quite well. And please, keep up the good work.

My parents are both working abroad, and one time my mother told me that even her boss was asking how is our country now. She said, that she believed it is much better and safer than before. Her boss then told her that you are a good and effective leader. And she had bought also the time magazine where you are the cover issue. Hearing those that even a foreigner is idolizing you makes me proud as a Filipino.

I wrote this letter for you just to show you that we in young generations are proud to have you. We will support you in whatever plans you have because I know all you have are for the betterment of our country. But please, give time for yourself because one time I heard in the television that you don't have the time to sleep anymore.I can't imagine how stressful it is to be a President of a country. Nevertheless, I will always pray for you , that you will have a good health and more blessing to come.

Respectfully yours,
Tristan Jersey R. Quiton
Ilocos Sur National High School

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Freedom of the Philippines

We celebrate Independence Day as it is the day that marks the end of the Spaniards ruling over the Philippines. For more than 300 years, we Filipinos were treated s second class in their own country, and suffered from cruelty and injustice form the hands of the Spaniards.

Independence Day is annually celebrated on June 12, and is commonly called the "Araw ng Kalayaan". It is the anniversary of the declaration of Independence from the Spanish rule in 1989.

One of the most significant events in the Philippines is the "Araw ng Kalayaan". We celebrate it every 12th of June. Where we commemorate our forefathers for sacrificing and fighting for our freedom.

Nowadays, Filipinos are enjoying priceless liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of expressions, freedom to choose belief and freedom to use social media where unlike before the Spanish regime, Filipinos today can say whatever they want to our government without fearing harm.

Reflection 4

For the last quarter, I have learned so many things in the subject ICT and while learning throughout theast quarter. I had many discoveries ...